Pontypool Medical Centre 01495 763141




Living in Torfaen - Let's Talk - Residents survey

Our residents survey is your chance to feedback on what it’s like living in Torfaen.  It also asks what is important to you: Your experience of your local area. How you view and interact with the Council Ultimately, your views help shape your local area and your local services. So, it is important to hear from as many residents as possible. Please encourage your family, friends, and neighbours to complete this survey.  Click on the link above for details .



Sept data

Changes to repeat prescription ordering Nov 24


Why: To help reduce cost of unused medicines.


Ø  Your local pharmacy has been informed.

Ø  Patients identified as housebound will have separate arrangements in place.


How can I now order my repeat prescription?

Ø  NHS App

Ø  Email the practice at prescriptions.w93058@wales.nhs.uk

Ø  Through the practice website www.pontypoolmedicalcentre.co.uk

Ø  Hand in your repeat slip at the surgery

Ø  There will be no changes to anyone using Weekly Boxes

Prescriptions will be ready to collect after 2pm

Ø  48 hours after receipt of request (surgery)

Ø  Liaise with your Pharmacy to determine how long they need to dispense your medication


Emergency Requests

These will be reviewed on an individual basis, and will need to be collected from the practice.



July data






Save our Surgeries Campaign - BMA Wales

(click on the heading above for more information)

June data

Infected Blood Inquiry

if you believe you may have been infected by blood or blood products and wish to arrange blood borne virus screening click on this link

 Infected Blood Inquiry - Public Health Wales (nhs.wales)

Annual patient satisfaction survey results October 2023

(click on link above)

Measles can cause severe complications – don’t risk your child’s health or the health of others. Book an appointment with the nurse at the surgery see link -  https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/measles/

NHS Wales App

We are now live on the NHS Wales App which will replace My Health Online.

To ensure continuity of services download the App today or use the desktop web version available.

Find out more at <a href=https://app.nhs.wales/login>NHS Wales App sign up</a>

Additional Support at <a href=https://apphelp.nhs.wales/help/nhs-login>NHS Wales login help.</a>

Rydym bellach yn fyw ar Ap GIG Cymru a fydd yn disodli Fy Iechyd Ar-lein.

I sicrhau parhad gwasanaethau lawrlwythwch yr Ap heddiw neu defnyddiwch y fersiwn gwe bwrdd gwaith sydd ar gael.

Darganfyddwch fwy yn <a href=https://app.nhs.wales/login>Cofrestrwch Ap GIG Cymru</a>

Cymorth ychwanegol yn<a href=https://helpap.gig.cymru/help/nhs-login> Cymorth mewngofnodi GIG Cymru.

Setting up your NHS login

  • Before you start, you will need your own individual email address, as your email address acts as your unique identifier for pairing your NHS login account to the NHS Wales App, and a phone number.  This email address must be recorded with the practice and appear in your clinical records for access to be gained.
  • A 6-digit security code will be sent to your email. You will be asked to enter this code to verify your email address and continue.
  • Next, you will be asked to give your mobile phone number. Another 6-digit security code will be sent by text message to your mobile phone. A security code will be sent to your mobile phone every time you log in, unless you select "remember this device and stop sending security codes".
  • The NHS account and login are not managed by the NHS Wales App. 
  • As the service is available across the UK, it is not currently available in Welsh.

Badgernet Maternity - click on word document to left

Bowel Screening Wales

Solihull Online Briefing Pack - click below for more information

Antenatal advice / Understanding Your Child


The purpose of our newsletter is to keep you informed of what is happening at Pontypool Medical Centre and to bring you key information about your surgery, your general health and the services available to you.

We welcome all feedback you have about our Newsletter as well as any ideas you may have for topics you would like included in future editions. If you sign up to receive our Newsletters you will be notified each time a newsletter is published. 

Info for website

Ask Sara - click on file opposite for more info

 Ask SARA helps you find useful information about products that make daily living easier. Ask SARA is an online guided advice tool created in partnership with the Disabled Living Foundation’s Living Made Easy programme. It provides impartial advice about suitable assistive technology solutions that enable older people, and disabled people of all ages, to live independently and maintain their chosen lifestyle. Visit our website and take these three easy steps. (click on link above)

Mental Health Study for 11-15yr olds

Free Virtual Courses Wellbeing Courses

Your local EPP Cymru area are currently delivering the following courses across Gwent via Zoom:

  • Living with Chronic Pain – 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
  • Living with Long Term Health Conditions – 1.5 hour sessions over 6 weeks
  • Living Well with Diabetes – 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
  • Cancer - ‘Thriving and Surviving’ – 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks
  • Stance Diabetic Footcare - a single 1 hour and 30 mins session
  • Introduction to Self-Management - a single 1 hour and 30 mins session
  • Caring for Me and You- 2:00 hour session over 6 weeks
  • Post Covid support dual sessions- 2:00 hour sessions twice in 1 week
  • Post Covid Recovery- 2:00 hour sessions over 6 weeks

Each six-week course is accompanied by an introductory session that gives an overview of Zoom & its functions, and also introduces the participants to the Tutors & the course they will be attending. The courses will be run in groups of up to ten participants, and aims to develop the fundamentals of self-management skills for people living with a range of health conditions and also for carers.

Participants will be led through a structured course by trained Tutors (the majority of which are Volunteers), who themselves have experience of making life changes as a result of a long term health condition.

  • Our EPP Cymru courses help give participants the confidence to take responsibility for their own care, whilst also encouraging them to work in partnership with health and social care professionals.
  • What makes EPP Cymru special is the sharing of skills and experience with people who have to deal with the same things as each other.
  • NB: EPP courses do not provide any health condition or treatment information, nor does it look at specific health needs.

All courses will be delivered virtually via Zoom, until further notice.

self referral details

Community Support Group for Patients with cancer and chronic pain see link below


Torfaen Voluntary Alliance  - update on local support available for various groups - see attached file

Torfaen Voluntary Alliance update

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board are now offering a free membership voucher for 12 weekly sessions with Slimming World

FREE slimming world information ... click on icon to the left

Let's Talk Menopause - Cafe

New Menopause resource available: Menopause awareness sessions run by an advanced nurse practitioner


Assessing your risk for developing prostate cancer ... prostate cancer risk checker:   Check your risk in 30 seconds | Prostate Cancer UK

Blue Badge Eligibility and How to Apply - click on word document below

Blue Badge

Please find attached information relating to the Herbert Protocol and Trinity Protocols currently operating in the Gwent Police area.

*   Herbert Protocol – For those people with Dementia and Alzheimer’s or with limited mental capacity

*   Trinity Protocol – For those people with additional needs such as: Autism, Global Development Delay (GDD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or other learning difficulties.

Registration forms for both of the protocols can be obtained via email: crimeprevention@gwent.police.uk<mailto:crimeprevention@gwent.police.uk>

Please could we ask you to share this information with colleagues, partners, parents/carers and any support groups you may have etc to try and encourage people who live in the Gwent Police area to register themselves or their loved ones in the event they should go missing or come into contact with our officers. The information can be provided to police officers and staff to help and support the individual and save valuable time should the need arise.

Herbert Protocol … click on the word document icon link to the left to access the Herbert Protocol please.

Trinity Protocol


Os ydych chi am weld y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg neu mewn ieithoedd eraill, cliciwch ar yr eicon cyfieithu ar frig y dudalen


If you wish to view this page in Welsh or other languages please click on the translate icon at top of page


(Formerly The Mount and Churchwood Surgeries)

We are experiencing a high volume of calls for same day care.

We are working harder than ever to try and meet demand.

Please consider other options - minor injuries units, advice from 111, Opticians, Dentist , Pharmacy.

We appreciate your understanding and support.




We are now live on the NHS Wales App which will replace My Health Online.   To ensure continuity of services download the App today or use the desktop web version available.   

Find out more at <a href=https://app.nhs.wales/login>NHS Wales App sign up</a> Additional Support at <a href=https://apphelp.nhs.wales/help/nhs-login>NHS Wales login help.</a>

Rydym bellach yn fyw ar Ap GIG Cymru a fydd yn disodli Fy Iechyd Ar-lein. I sicrhau parhad gwasanaethau lawrlwythwch yr Ap heddiw neu defnyddiwch y fersiwn gwe bwrdd gwaith sydd ar gael. Darganfyddwch fwy yn <a href=https://app.nhs.wales/login>Cofrestrwch Ap GIG Cymru</a> Cymorth ychwanegol yn<a href=https://helpap.gig.cymru/help/nhs-login> Cymorth mewngofnodi GIG Cymru

Find the right health and wellbeing service for you and others

Gwent Health Guide - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (nhs.wales)


Pregnant ?

You can know self refer for maternity care without the need to contact your GP first

maternity self referral

Blood test or X-ray results

If you are enquiring about your blood test results please telephone the surgery between 2pm and 4pm Monday to Friday - there is no change to this service.



Both surgeries have good parking arrangements and purpose-built access for the disabled.



If I Die It Will Be Your Fault video link - please respect our staff they are under a lot of pressure at present


With patient’s needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.

Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our team of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of clinics and services to promote good health and wellbeing whatever your medical condition.

Opening Times

Opening Times87674287

Pontypool Medical Centre

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00                           
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Weekend closed







 Goytre Surgery Morning Afternoon
Monday 08:30 - 13.00 Covered by PMC
Tuesday Covered by PMC 15:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 13:00 Covered by PMC
Thursday Covered by PMC 15.00 - 18.00
Friday 08:30 - 13:00

Covered by PMC

Weekend closed closed

 New Inn Medical Centre Morning Afternoon
Monday 08:30 - 12:00 14.00 - 18.00
Tuesday 08:30 - 12:00 14:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 12:00 14:00 - 18:00
Thursday Covered by Mount covered by Mount
Friday 08:30 - 12:00

Covered by Mount

Weekend closed closed

Contact Details

Pontypool Medical Centre 01495 763141
New Inn 01495 763997
Goytre 01873 880220
Out of Hours 01495 763141

Pontypool Medical Centre 01495 763997
New Inn 01495 763141
Out of Hours 01495 763141

Pontypool Medical Centre 01873 880220
New Inn 01495 763141
Out of Hours 01495 763141

Online Services

Order your repeat medications