Telephone: 01375 480000


Pharmacy First

Our local pharmacies have taken on treatment of the following conditions and should be your first point of contact if you have any of these problems:

  • Sinusitis,
  • Sore throat or earache (children aged 1-18 years)
  • Infected insect bites
  • Impetigo
  • Shingles
  • Urine infection (women aged 16-65 years)

They are able to prescribe antibiotics when needed with the normal prescription charge.


Breast ScreeningBreast Screening


Do you have a joint or muscle problem?

Please use the FREE local getUBetter app approved by your clinicians in Thurrock Essex. It is provided alongside your NHS care and offers local tips, advice, and exercises tailored to you and your stage of recovery. • Instant access • Easy to use • Safe and effective Your healthcare professionals cannot be with you 24/7, but getUBetter can.

Why is self-care important?

Most musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and conditions can be treated at home and will get better without the need for a specialist appointment. getUBetter gives you the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to improve your MSK health and lifestyle

What is getUBetter?

getUBetter is a safe and effective way to help you self-manage your injury or condition at home, work, and on the move. The app covers a range of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions… Back Back & Leg Neck Shoulder Elbow Wrist Hand Hip Knee Ankle Foot Upper Limb Tendinopathy Lower Limb Tendinopathy Sprains and strains …and is designed to help you trust your recovery, live and work well.

Who is getUBetter for?

Anyone 18 or over who needs help with a joint or muscle problem.

What will I get?

• Instant and 24/7 support • Easy-to-follow exercises • Support to recover, live, and work well • Help when waiting • Advice on when to seek help • Approved by your clinicians • Access to local treatments and services • Support before and after surgery

What are the next steps?

1. Download the getUBetter app You can download the app through this link

2. Create your account Enter your postcode, select your GP practice, and enter your details to create your account.

3. Choose your condition Select your condition and follow your personalised and targeted recovery pathway. If you need further help getting started, watch our videos or get in touch with one of our team:

See the attached list of Dementia friendly groups and support available within Thurrock
Dementia Friendly Groups & Support in Thurrock


To keep up to date with Practice Information please join the Chafford Hundred Medical Centre Facebook Page.

Meningitis B Vaccine

A new vaccine to prevent meningitis is being offered to babies as part of the routine NHS childhood vaccination programme.  The Men B vaccine is recommended for babies aged 2 months, followed by a second dose at 4 months, and a booster at 12 months.

Which babies should have the Men B vaccine?
The Men B vaccine is offered to babies alongside their other routine vaccinations at:

  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 12 months

The vaccine has the brand name Bexsero, and is given as a single injection into the baby's thigh.  The Men B vaccine can be given at the same time as other routine baby vaccinations. 

Further information is available on the following websites:

Volunteers Wanted for Patient Group

Interested in becoming involved with the practice Patient Participation Group?  Please see the Patient Participation Group page for more details.


Welcome to Chafford Hundred Medical Centre

Consult online

Econsult will be available 7am to 2pm (12pm Thursdays)

New appointment system starting on Wednesday 12th March 2025

We are making changes to our appointment system in line with a contractual requirement from NHS England.  This change aims to improve access to medical services for all our patients through digital consultations  -  eConsult for Total Triage. 
All patients will receive full details via text message or letter.  Please see our Appointments page for further details. Appointments

stop smoking

Opening Times

Opening Times

Monday:         0800 - 1830

Tuesday:         0800 - 1830

Wednesday:    0800 - 1830

Thursday:       0800 - 1830

Friday:           0800 - 1830

Saturday:       Closed

Sunday:         Closed

(Doors are open from 8am to 6pm)

Please note that there are no clinics held on a Thursday afternoon.

The surgery, along with others in the Thurrock area, will be closed for training purposes on Tuesday 29th April 2025 from 12.30pm to 6.30pm.





Contact Details

Online Services

Order your repeat medications
Cancel your appointment
Access Appointment System