Telephone: 01691 654646


Child Sexual Exploitation

Finding out your child has been sexually exploited can be distressing and you might not know what to do next. Young people often trust their abuser and don't know what's happening is wrong or are unable to tell anyone due to fear, intimidation and violence. Please find links to advice below:

Child Sexual Exploitation & How to Keep Your Child Safe | NSPCC

Child sexual exploitation | Shropshire Council

What Beam does do

We are a low-level service providing brief interventions in relation to the emotional wellbeing of children and young people under 25.  This means we will provide advice, signposting and support with concerns they have relating to feelings and emotional wellbeing.  We may discuss specific emotional wellbeing topics, suggest strategies to help young people manage their emotional wellbeing issues and provide a listening ear.

For parents and carers, we can provide advice, information and signposting relating to emotional wellbeing issues experienced by the young people in their care.

What Beam doesn’t do

We do not provide structured therapy or counselling.  There has been some incorrect information issued suggesting that this is part of what we do at Beam, and we would like to clarify that the support offered is solely via our drop-in sessions or via a workshop.

We do not diagnose, complete assessments or automatically make referrals.  We cannot ‘fast-track’ any existing referrals made to our partner agencies within Bee U.

We do not provide appointments.

Our weekday drop-ins all close at 7pm.  This means after 6.15pm only service information can be provided.  Refer to our leaflets for which days we are open.

Our Saturday drop-in closes at 4pm.  Again, this means from 3pm onwards service information only will be provided.

Beam in addition-to or instead-of structured therapy or counselling

More is not always better where therapeutic support is concerned – in fact, conflicting support could be more harmful for the young person. 

Where we are told that a young person is receiving help via counselling or another similar treatment, we will always encourage them to access the structured therapeutic support.  We will work hard to ensure we do not do any interventions that may disrupt this. 

Professionals supporting young people to come to Beam

Please allow sufficient time when accessing Beam.  We are a busy service, with periods where the wait may be over an hour.  As such, we would ask you to consider this when offering to accompany a young person to Beam.


The summer workshops will run on Tuesdays in our Wellington venue from 3-4pm and Thursdays at Palmer’s in Shrewsbury from 3-4pm.

Workshops require a minimum of 2 young people to go ahead otherwise a one-to-one session will be offered in line with our usual waiting policy.  Workshops do not need to booked onto and are on a first-come-first-served basis.

Bank holiday closures

Beam will be closed over Bank Holiday weekends on both the Saturday and Monday.  Our next bank holiday closure is Saturday 24th and Monday 26th of August. 

This information will be displayed within our drop-in.


Contact Us Online


Welcome to The Caxton Surgery Online

The Caxton Surgery in Oswestry provides the highest quality healthcare to patients.  Our doctors, nurses and all our other staff are dedicated to offering a professional service and this surgery website will help us to keep all our patients up to date with news and information about our practice.

As well as a source of information about our practice, the staff and the services we provide, we hope you will use this website as a useful resource for other health-related information. Please have a look around and do send us some feedback if you like. We can use your ideas to improve our online services and further develop the content of our website.


We will be closed for urgent medical care for Dr Green's funeral on Wednesday 24th July from 12.00noon until 6pm. Urgent medical care which cannot wait until we reopen will be provided by Shropdoc who can be accessed by calling NHS 111 by dialling 111.

If you have a routine appointment Wednesday afternoon which has not yet been moved or rearranged then please still attend for it as we will be continuing to provide some routine services during this time.

Thank you for your understanding. 

Dr Jane Green

It is with great sadness that we must bring news that our dear friend and colleague Dr Jane Green tragically passed away on Saturday 29th June. She will be dearly missed by her work family at Caxton and her patients and most acutely by her husband and children. We would ask for your understanding at this incredibly difficult time as her family, friends and work colleagues deal with this tragic loss.

If you have an appointment already booked with Dr Green we will be able to rearrange this in a timely manner for you with another GP, we will be in contact with you you do not need to ring the surgery.


The new link for our econsultation service can be found above where patients can contact the surgery for administrative or clinical advice and be contacted back without the need to phone the surgery.

Repeat Prescription Ordering

You can order a repeat prescription online via the NHS app or electronically submit via the link at the bottom of the page but you can also order by contacting the Shropshire Prescription Ordering direct service below:

03333 583 509

If the number is busy you can also email a request to

Please only order when you have 7 days' worth of medication remaining and provide the following information in the email:


Full Name

Date of Birth

First line of address

Name of drug, strength, dose and formulation

Nominated Pharmacy

Contact Number

or submit online via their new online form:

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin POD (

Veterans Support

The Caxton Surgery is a Veteran Friendly accredited practice, as a Veteran Friendly GP Practice we have:

- Have a clinical lead for Veterans: Dr John Peterson

- Ask patients 'have you served' to identify veteran patients

- Support veteran patients to access dedicated health services

If you are a veteran patient, please let us know that you have served so that we can make sure that we understand your health needs. Nearly 1,100 practices are now Veteran Friendly accredited. To find out more about the Veteran Friendly Practices accreditation scheme, visit

The Veteran Friendly Practices accreditation scheme is run by the Royal College of General Practitioners in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement.

National Patient Survey Results 2023

The national patient survey results for 2023 have been released, this is an independent survey carried out annually by IPSO Mori on behalf of NHS England and is sent out to 2 million patients across the country.

Please find a link to our results below:

Patient Experience (

Thank you to everyone who completed a survey, we are very pleased with the results especially considering when the survey was sent out (January and February when all NHS services were under considerable pressure to deliver usual care and the roll out of the covid-19 vaccine programme) but we will review the results to see how we can improve.

National data opt out

The national data opt-out is a service that allows patients to opt out of their confidential patient information being used for research and planning.

To find out more about the national data opt out and how to do it please follow the link below:

Following pressure from general practice and other groups as to the speed and timing of this

The data extraction switch-on previously scheduled for 1 July has now been delayed until September.

NHS Digital has been collecting anonymised data from GP practices for research purposes for years.  On 1 September a new, daily, data collection process will begin. You can find out more about this on the NHS Digital website. You may not want your identifiable patient data to be shared for purposes except for your own care.  If this is the case, you can opt out by registering a Type 1 Opt-out.

If you do not want your data to be shared with NHS Digital please register your Type 1 Opt-out with the surgery by 23 August 2021.

The data held in your GP medical records is shared with other healthcare professionals for the purposes of your individual care. It is also shared with other organisations to support health and care planning and research.

Type 1 opt out forms should be returned to the surgery before the deadline of August 23rd 2021.


From Monday 5th November free wi-fi will be available in the practice for patients in the waiting areas.

Please select 'NHS Wi-fi' when connecting and complete the form to sign in or sign in via a social media platform.

Please turn off electronic devices before seeing the doctor or nurse.


Extended Access – Local GP practices working together to offer more convenient appointment times for patients

Extended Access

From 1st October, 2022, we will be part of a network of practices (known as ‘hubs’) in Shropshire, working together to offer patients ‘Extended Access’ to pre-bookable appointments - in the evenings, at the weekend and during bank holidays.

 Part of the national agenda by NHS England, Extended Access means patients will be able to make pre-bookable appointments to see a GP, practice nurse, or other qualified healthcare professional, at a time which may be more convenient for them.

 In Shropshire, local practices will work together in a network of ‘hubs’ to provide this service. The ‘hubs’ will take turns to provide the Extended Access appointments to patients. This means patients could be offered an appointment at their own surgery or at a nearby practice in the local area (part of the hub). Patients will be advised about appointment location at time of booking, enabling them to make an informed choice about their where and when they access care.

 Locally the pre-bookable appointments will be available as follows:

  • Weekday evenings (Monday to Friday)
    between 6.30pm and 8pm (at a local area hub)

  • Saturdays
    between 9.00am to 5.00pm (at a local area hub)


Shropdoc who have previously covered the 8.00am - 8.30am Monday to Friday period for Shropshire practices will be withdrawing this service from 2/7/18. Please note we will not be able to deal with routine enquiries during these periods and patients who need to urgently speak to a GP during these periods will need to call a separate number 07944848842 to be assessed. This number will not be answered during 8.30am - 6.00pm and patients who call it inappropriately will be asked to call the usual numbers during the day.

NHS 111 British Sign Language

Patients with hearing loss or deafness are now able to make video calls to a NHS 111 British Sign Language interpreter via their smartphone or tablet, please see link below.


From 1st February patients who wish to order repeat medication over the telephone will need to call 0333 358 3509 instead of the usual prescriptions line number.

Patients who order face to face, online, on paper or via the answerphone can continue to do so as normal. The only change will be for patients who use a pharmacy to order their medication or those that prefer to telephone and speak to someone. They will still be able to do this but will instead need to call 0333 358 3509 and their medication will be processed in the same way.

Please allow 48 hours for the generation of the signed prescription by the practice and approx 48 hours for the pharmacy to receive the prescription and prepare your medication for collection.


Sign up now to be able to make appointments, order repeat prescriptions, and amend your contact details. For further details ask at reception or select 'Appointments' - 'Online Booking' on the menu above.

Once you have your registration details click on the link below to get started:

or to order a repeat prescription without being signed up for the online services click below:

  Large red pill  Click here to access the online repeat prescription form



 From 1st March 2015 you will be able to sign up to be able to view your medical records online, please ask at reception or email the practice for more details.


Opening Times

Office Opening Hours

  Morning Afternoon
Monday 08:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 18.00
Tuesday 08:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 18.00
Wednesday 08:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 18.00
Thursday 08:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 18.00
Friday 08:30 - 13:00 13:00 - 18.00
Saturday closed closed

Contact Details

Telephone: 01691 654646
Appointments: 01691 653600
Fax: 01691 670994
Prescriptions Answerphone 01691 658519
Prescriptions (9.00am - 5.00pm) 03333 358 3509
Out of Hours 111

Online Services

Access Appointment System