General Enquiries : 01467 642289 & PRESS OPTION 2
Just to remind all patient's when attending the Surgery, that there are parking spaces directly outside the building on the High Street. There are also parking spaces available in the car park behind the Chemist.
Alternatively, if all these spaces are full, then there is a main car park on Aquithie Road, which is adjacent to the fish and chip shop.
Please DO NOT use the parking spaces behind Collies Butcher's (in between the GP Surgery and J G Ross bakery) as these spaces are for their own staff use and lorry deliveries to their shop.
Thank You
The practice considers aggressive behaviour to be any personal, abusive, intimidating and/or aggressive comments, cursing and/or swearing, physical contact and/or aggressive or threatening gestures.
The practice will request the removal of any patient from the practice list who is aggressive or abusive towards a doctor, member of staff, other patient, or who damages property.
All instances of actual physical abuse on any doctor or member of staff, by a patient or their relatives will be reported to the police as an assault.
If at any time your condition is thought to be life-threatening, you should call 999.
Some examples of emergencies requiring hospital attendance are:
accidents involving unconsciousness
chest pains
loss of power in a limb
severe breathlessness
sudden severe bleeding
Our surgery has a triage telephone system which can be accessed by patients requesting an urgent on the day appointment.
The purpose of triage is to ensure that every patient requesting an urgent on the day appointment is referred to the most appropriate service for their illness. Each patient will have their symptoms discussed with a doctor or practitioner. On conclusion of this telephone call you will be advised of the best course of action for your condition. This may include -
- Self help
- Advised to contact your local pharmacy, dentist or optician
- Suggest a routine appointment with a doctor, practitioner or nurse
- Or arrange an emergency appointment if the clinician decides that your condition requires to be assessed on that day
If you require an urgent on the day appointment -
The triage system will work as follows:
Contact the surgery by telephone on 01467 642289 and press option 2 before 10 am if you have an acute emergency illness or injury.
Please provide the receptionist with a brief description of the problem and contact number so that your call can be prioritised.
Our administration staff are not prying; they are working under our instructions, and are bound by the same code of confidentiality as the clinical staff.
If you have contacted the practice and been advised that an Emergency GP will call you back, two attempts will be made to speak with you. If after two attempts, we have still been unable to speak with you this call will then be closed.
If you do still wish to speak to our Emergency GP, you will need to phone the surgery back to start the process again.
For those whose occupation or responsibilities have an impact upon availability to receive a triage call at certain times of day, please make this known to the receptionist or please ask them to insert a comment specifying this.
Whilst we cannot guarantee, we will endeavour to accommodate where possible.
Calls to the triage line will be accepted after 10 am but you may experience a delay in returning your call and our urgent appointments fill very quickly.
A doctor or practitioner will contact you on the number you provided.
Please ensure you remain beside your phone or within mobile phone service range.
Our telephone number will appear as a withheld number.
This service does not replace telephone consultations which can be pre-booked.
Our triage telephone system is very busy and we appreciate your assistance in making the process seamless.
Emergencies will be dealt with promptly. Telephone 01467 642289 and give as much information to the receptionist who will relate the details to the duty doctor.
If you are unable to keep appointments, please let us know as soon as possible so that the appointment can be reallocated. Failing to keep appointments wastes considerable medical and administrative time. Dozens of appointments are “lost” each month because patients simply fail to cancel unwanted appointments.
When patients miss appointments, it can be disruptive for both healthcare providers and other patients in need of care.
This is a particular concern for GP's, who are responsible for the overall care of patients, but can also be an issue for hospital doctors.
** LATECOMERS - patients arriving more than 10 minutes late for an appointment will require to re-book another appointment time. Furthermore, in fairness to patients arriving on time, late-comers will not be guaranteed an appointment. **
When you are ill or injured, know who to turn to....
NHS - Grampian - Know who to turn to:
NHS inform is Scotland's national health information service helping the people in Scotland to make informed decisions about their own health and the health
Click on the link below to find out more:
NHS inform - Scottish health information you can trust | NHS inform
GP Practice Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Covid-19 Advise Line telephone number 01224 556527.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland | NHS inform
NHS Scotland COVID Status | NHS inform (How to get a record of your vaccination)
NHS24 arrangements for Coronavirus
Patients with coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms that worsen or do not improve after seven days are now asked to call the GP Practice Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 18:00
OR dial NHS 24 on 111 out with GP surgery hours
Callers to the 111 helpline, will be assessed and, if necessary, transferred to a local community hub staffed by clinicians from across the healthcare system.
This is to ensure patients get the best possible advice at the right time, depending on their assessment, patients may be given advice to help them continue self-isolating at home or be given an appointment to attend a local assessment centre for further treatment.
High Risk Patients
Any patient identified in a High-Risk Category will be sent a centralised letter from the Scottish Government with advice on how to protect themselves and how to access care and treatment during this time.
A copy of this letter can be seen below.
FIT surgery
When coming into hospital for a surgical procedure, the more informed you and your carers/family members are before admission, the more likely you are to be better prepared. This will also contribute to a better experience; a quicker recovery and a shorter length of hospital stay.
Click on the links below to find out more:
Strategic Context (
Scotland's Service Directory
Find your local health and wellbeing services across Scotland.
Click on the link below to find out more:
Scotland's Service Directory | NHS inform
** For any Patients who are having acute dental problems, and having difficulty registering with an NHS Dentist, can call the NHS Grampian Dental and Information Line (DIAL) on 0345 45 65 990 **
Disabled, pushchair and pram access, is available at the rear of the building.
There is also disabled parking spaces outside the Surgery.
We also have a toilet in the Surgery that provides baby changing facilities and access to mobility users.
A loop system for people with a hearing difficulty is fitted in some areas of the building - do let us know if you want to use it.
Hearing loss services
Coronavirus update: Aberdeenshire services | Deaf Action
Hearing loss services - Aberdeenshire Council
The BDA is the UK’s leading membership organisation and registered charity run by Deaf people for Deaf people. The BDA delivers a range of services to achieve its aims of empowering Deaf people to overcome difficulties that they face on a daily basis.
Click on link below to find out more:
As the largest charity for people with hearing loss in the UK, we understand how hearing loss can affect everything in your life from your relationships, to your education and your job prospects. We’re here to support and help you, so you can take back control and live the life you choose
From day-to-day-care, to practical information, to campaigning for a fairer world for people with hearing loss, and funding research to find a cure, we’re taking action on hearing loss.
Click on link below to find out more:
There is a Language Line available, to patients who are not fluent in the English language.
Interpreting services must be organized in advance and extra appointment time allocated.
Accessing a telephone Interpreter via language line (Clinician Access)
Equality & Diversity/Other languages
NHS Grampian Interpretation services
Vision Impairment
In the UK, there are almost 2 million people living with sight loss. Of these, around 360,000 are registered as blind or partially sighted.
Being told you have a visual impairment that can’t be treated can be difficult to come to terms with.
Some people go through a process similar to bereavement, where they experience a range of emotions including shock, anger, and denial, before eventually coming to accept their condition.
Click on link below to find out more:
If you have been given an Omron or Nebulizer from the Surgery, it is planned that this loan is for a limited period of time, usually one week.
Please return these items to the Surgery as soon as possible
We have patients waiting to use these items and to keep them for a prolonged length of time means that treatment is being delayed for other patients.
In the event of unreturned items, may cause invoices being sent to the patient.
Opening Times
Opening Times and Contact Details
Telephone Numbers
Surgery phone number: Prescriptions out with opening times: 01467 475400 District Nurses Midwife Health Visitor Out of Hours: |
The surgery opening times are from 08:00am till 18:00pm Monday to Friday.
Phone lines
Emergency calls 08:00am – 18:00pm
Appointments/General enquires 08:30am – 17:30pm
Results 11:00am - 17.30pm
Out of Hours
Between 18:00pm - 08:00am on weekdays, weekends and bank holidays, for urgent medical advice or attention please call NHS24 by dialling 111
Out-of-hours services are generally busy so please think carefully before asking to see a doctor and only do so if you genuinely cannot wait until the surgery re-opens.
Please note that out of hours cover is not a "walk-in service". You must call NHS 24 for advice first.
In a genuine emergency you should call 999.
Public Holiday Closures 2025/2026
Monday 5th May 2025
Thursday 25th December 2025
Friday 26th December 2025
Thursday 1st January 2026
Friday 2nd January 2026