Not receiving calls or texts from us?
We have received reports of some patients not receiving phone calls or text messages from the surgery therefore we would like to make you aware of the phone numbers you should expect any communication from us to come from.
*These numbers do not accept incoming calls or messages.
Aberdeenshire Mental Health Improvement & Wellbeing Service
Get free mental health improvement and wellbeing help and support from the team of dedicated professionals. For more information and how to self refer Click Here.
Mirena Coils
The license for Mirena intrauterine system for contraception only has been increased from five years to eight years from the date of insertion.
This change came into effect on Friday 12th January 2024 and is for Mirena only and not for other hormone containing devices such as Kyleena, Levosert and Benilexa.
The extension in license is also only when the Mirena is used for contraception.
What does this mean if you are using Mirena?
- If you are getting a Mirena inserted from now, you will be advised it can be used for eight years to provide contraceptive protection.
- If you are already using a Mirena you can continue with your current device for eight years to prevent pregnancy.
- If you are aged 45 years or over at the time of insertion and using it only for contraception you will continue to be advised it can be used for 10 years or to age 55 (outside of the license).
A Mirena inserted on 2nd February 2019 can be continued and will provide contraception until 2nd February 2027.
Why you might want Mirena changed before the eight years of use
- If you start to have bleeding again we would look for other reasons for this and may offer a Mirena change.
- If you are using Mirena as HRT you must have this changed after five years.
Evening Blood Appointments
We are now able to offer evening blood clinic appointments. These clinics will be held on two evenings per week and will take place at the Glen O'Dee Hospital.
When speaking to our receptionists to arrange a blood test, please let them know if an evening is more convenient so they can book the most appropriate appointment for you.
We hope this will be a useful addition for our patients.
Blood Hubs
You can contact the central booking line for all blood hub appointments by calling 01224 555177. A list of all available blood hubs throughout grampian is listed here Blood Hubs Grampian.
Prescription Requests
We cannot issue prescriptions ordered more than two weeks early, but due to unprecedented demand at present and current staffing levels, please allow 4 working days for your prescription request to be processed by the practice. It will then be sent to the local chemist of your choice for collection.
Please only order what you need and be patient with our staff and the Community Pharmacy team. We are all doing the best we can in these difficult circumstances. Thank you.
We now have our very own Facebook page where you will find the latest information and news from the practice! Click Visit us on Facebook
Doctors in training
We have been an established training practice for many years and are very grateful to our patients for their support in helping to develop the next generation of doctors. As well as GP trainees, we regularly receive placements of senior medical students from Aberdeen University and offer 'taster' experiences to newly qualified doctors. The surgery and the community nursing team are also involved with the training of both undergraduate and post graduate nursing students. More information on training at the surgery can be found here.
eConsult service
eConsult has several functions:- It can help you with self diagnosis using its symptom checker and gives detailed self-help information; it can help you determine the most appropriate place to go seek help, which may be your local pharmacy or the national 111 help line; and it provides a mechanism to submit a secure eConsult direct to the GP during the following times:
Monday | 7am - 4pm |
Tuesday | 7am - 7pm |
Wednesday | 7am - 7pm |
Thursday | 7am - 7pm |
Friday | 7am - 12noon |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
The practice will then reply by the end of the next working day.
If you wish to submit an eConsult to the practice, follow these eConsult instructions.
**Please DO NOT use this service to order your repeat prescriptions**. You can order your repeat prescriptions online by registering for Online Services Patient Services - Patient Registration Form
Click Banner Above for Online Consultation
NHS Near Me - video consultation
If a GP has asked to consult with you via NHS Near Me please click on the 'Start Video Call' link below and follow the instructions.
Banchory Group Practice is a semi-rural general practice serving Banchory, a small town with a population of over 8,000. We also cover patients in the surrounding areas of Echt and Torphins to the north, Strachan and Finzean to the south, Kincardine O’Neil to the West and Durris and Drumoak to the East, serving over 13,000 patients in total.
The Practice is a long established one. Initially it was a single-handed practice operating from Bellfield Home but we now have 14 full and part time GP's and a dedicated and enthusiastic team of practice and community staff. We are strongly committed to training with nursing and medical students, hospital doctors and GP Trainees all on attachment at the surgery.
Do It Online
Order a repeat prescription (link to Patient Services webpage)
Opening Times
Opening Times
We are open from 0830 to 1800, Monday to Friday. (The phone lines are open to emergencies only between 1pm-2pm and after 5.30pm every day)
Closed for Training
The practice will be closed for training on the afternoons of:
Tuesday April 30th 2024
Wednesday July 3rd 2024
Wednesday November 13th 2024
Please contact NHS 24 by dialling 111 if you need medical assistance outwith our opening times.