Telephone: 01257442524


Avoid queuing on the phone!

Contact us for all routine matters, including appointments online or using your smartphone. Go to "messages" section of the NHS App to ask a question or visit this website home page (no login needed).

Your request will be dealt with in the same manner as a phone call, you will receive a response by text or phone. 


Contact Us Online

Welcome to Coppull Medical Practice

At Coppull Medical Practice, we aim to treat all our patients promptly, courteously and in complete confidence. Coppull Medical Practice serves the whole of Coppull as well as parts of its surrounding village of Charnock Richard. If you live in our practice area and would like to register with us, please complete one of our registration form here on line or available from our receptionists.

In addition to everything you need to know about the practice you will also find a wealth of health-related information in the menu on the right hand side. Please have a look around and do send us some feedback if you like.

Our team includes doctors, nurse practitioners, practice nurses, healthcare assistant, physiotherapist, pharmacist, pharmacy technician, social care prescriber, home visiting team, mental health practitioner and dedicated care home service, as well as our practice manager, administrative, reception and ancillary staff. We offer a full general practice service.

Opening Times

clockOpening Times


Monday 08:00 - 18:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:30
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:30
Thursday 08:00 - 18.30
Friday 08:00 - 18:30
Weekend and Public Holidays closed

If you are contacting the surgery please contact the surgery after 9.30am if you are not ringing to arrange an urgent appointment, this is to allow patients who need an urgent appointment to get through.


Contact Details

Telephone: 01257442524
Prescription Queries 01257442524
Test results 01257442524
Out of Hours 111

Online Services

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