Practice List Closure 01/08/2024
You may have seen in the media or heard locally that both GP practices in this building have closed their lists to new patients from 1 August 2024, for the period of one year.
This change does not affect any patients who are already on our lists.
This means that we will not be accepting applications from new patients, except for immediate family members of patients already on our lists prior to 1 August 2024. If, however, our numbers of registered patients were to fall, we would re-open and accept applications to register. Up to date details regarding registrations will be on our websites.
We have highlighted our concerns to NHS Highland about our increasing list size for a number of years and this has been accelerated by the high volume of new homes being built in the area.
We have also been in discussion with NHS Highland about expanding the size of our premises, but as there is a pause of capital spending across NHS Scotland, no premises work can progress at this time.
This has been a very difficult decision for us to make and no practice would ever consider closing their list to new patients if they were not seriously concerned about their ability to cope with increasing workload and delivering care to patients safely.
We are keen for patients to get behind our cause by speaking to the local community council or your MP or MSP to highlight the issue of us having to close our lists so they can in turn raise this with both the local Council and Scottish Government.
We will keep you updated via our website and in the waiting room and thank you in advance of your support.
Highland Mental Wellbeing just got a big update! Check out the new Resources page at Highland Mental Wellbeing
The Highland Mental Wellbeing website has a list of available services as well as information around mental health and wellbeing. For more useful links to mental health services, see our 'Services' tab at the top of the page.
Phio - the new digital Physiotherapy tool
Phio is a clinically-supported, digital musculoskeletal system. It is a free interactive online tool that quickly and accurately signposts you to the right pathway to support your MSK condition.
The Phio assessment takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and your answers will always be assessed by a qualified physiotherapy team. If your condition is deemed suitable, you will be invited to download an app on your smartphone with a programme of exercises tailored to your condition. You should receive this within 48 hours. Once you start, a team of physiotherapists are on hand to monitor and support you via a two-way chat.
This service is totally free, is overseen by the physiotherapy team at Phio, and will not impact your access to our other care services.
Changes to Vaccination Delivery (including childhood immunisations)
From the 1st of March 2023 vaccinations will be delivered by the Health Board as part of a national programme. This will cover vaccines such as childhood vaccines including the primary immunisation course for infants and the pre-school booster, as well as adult vaccination programmes such as the shingles vaccine.
We have been advised that patients who are due to receive a vaccination will receive a letter from NHS Highland with either a set appointment or advice to contact the Highland Service Delivery Centre (SDC) to make an appointment at a clinic location. The contact number for the Service Delivery Centre is 08000 320339 but they request that you please only contact them once you have received a letter.
The most up to date advice can be found here on the NHS Highland website.
NHS 24 Online
For those living in Scotland, the NHS 24 Online app allows you to find your nearest services and to assess your symptoms to find out what you should do next. Click here for more details on the app and how to get it.
Changes to the collection of voluntary authorisation for organ or tissue donation
Patients that register with a Medical Practice have been able to provide their voluntary authorisation for organ or tissue donation when completing the patient registration form.
The introduction of the new GPR removed the necessity to collect patient’s preferences following the recent changes in Organ Donation law in Scotland.
Any patient wishing to opt out of organ donation and record their wishes should do so directly through Organ Donation Scotland at
For all our patients on repeat medication, please remember to check how much you have, and if you will run out around the holiday periods/practice closure dates, please submit your repeat request in plenty of time for us to action.
Be aware, that our standard turnaround time for prescription requests (48 hours) only counts WORKING DAYS, so we will not be processing any repeat prescription during days when we are closed.
General Data Protection Regulations
The GDPR Regulations come into effect on the 25th May 2018. The aim of the regulations is to provide greater levels of protection in relation to personal information. Please refer to the Practice Privacy Policy for more information.
Duty of Candour
The practice is required to comply with the duty of candour legislation. This involves providing an annual return to the Scottish Government, a copy of which can be obtained by speaking with the Practice Manager.
Pharmacy First - The Role of Community Pharmacy
Please refer to the Signposting tab for information on the Pharmacy First service which provides free treatment for a wide range of minor ailments.
Trying to get an appointment? - 400 appointments on average each 3 months
Every three months we lose around 400 appointments as patients book them but then fail to show up without letting us know they wish to cancel. This is a staggering 7 weeks of GP and Nurse time over the course of a year. Help us to help you. Your unwanted appointment could be used by someone else if you let us know. Please protect your NHS and use its services wisely.
Welcome to Culloden Surgery!
Culloden Surgery is a four partner GP training practice on the outskirts of Inverness, primarily serving the villages of Balloch, Culloden and Smithton. We have both male and female doctors and provide a comprehensive nursing service, with clinics held in a modern building which is situated in the centre of Culloden.
With patients' needs in mind, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.
Get Well, Keep Well
Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our team of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of clinics and services to promote good health and wellbeing whatever your medical condition.
Join In
We hope you enjoy having a look around the site and familiarising yourself with some of the online features such as ordering a repeat prescription. Whatever your thoughts, be sure to let us know via our feedback function. Comments and suggestions are always a great way of helping us continue to enhance the way we look after you.
Access, Parking & Cycle Shed
Both rear and front doors have access suitable for disabled patients and wheelchair users. There is a ramp beside the cycle shed at the rear of the building which allows wheel chair users to use the front entrance and there are disabled parking bays at the top of the car park beside the bike shed.
Off-street parking is provided at the rear of the building and there are some spaces available at the front of the building, including disabled parking bays.
There is a cycle shed at the rear of the building.
Opening Times
Usual Opening Times
Monday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Tuesday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Wednesday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Thursday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Friday | 08:00 - 18:00 |
Weekend | closed |
Additional days that we will be closed for Public Holidays:
- Friday 29th March 2024
- Monday 1st April 2024
- Monday 6th May 2024
- Friday 5th July 2024
- Monday 5th August 2024
- Friday 18th October 2024
- Wednesday 25th December 2024
- Thursday 26th December 2024
- Wednesday 1st January 2025
- Thursday 2nd January 2025
When we are closed for Public Holidays NHS 24 is available to assist patients with medical issues. As always if you have a medical emergency call 999.