Appointments: 028 9028 6800


Why does the Receptionist ask questions??


Travel Advice / Vaccination service
Going on holiday and need travel advice/vaccinations?

Please click on the link to take you to our travel advice / guidance click here


DNA (did not attend) Policy

There is great pressure on appointment availability.  Our policy is to encourage patients to attend for any booked appointment made.

Please click here for more information on how we manage missed appointments. 



Welcome to Hillhead Family Practice

At the Hillhead Family practice in Belfast the doctors and nurses take pride in offering the highest standard of patient-centred healthcare. We run many clinics for chronic disease care and offer a wide variety of other medical services such as antenatal and postnatal care, minor surgery, childhood vaccinations and well-person check-ups.

Our Mission Statement is to provide a caring patient-centred service, combining health care and health promotion  

Jan workload


Private Referrals & Treatment 

An increasing number of patients are requesting private referrals due to the large waiting lists to be seen under the NHS. 

The department of health in Northern Ireland have stated:

"Where a patient seeks pre and/or post treatment care specific to their private treatment, they will not be entitled to such support from primary or secondary care services in Northern Ireland. Therefore, it will be important for the individual to ensure that all pre and post treatment costs are included in the overall package of care procured from the private healthcare provider. In line with normal practice, patients will continue to be able to access emergency care where necessary."

We fell it important that patients understand the implications of seeking treatment outside of the NHS and would ask you to follow the link below which outlines care when this is sought privately. 

Private Treatment


Patient Self-help guidance &

Pharmacy First 

At this time of year cold and flu is circulating. Most can be managed at home with simple interventions such as rest, drinking fluids and taking over the counter medications such as paracetamol and/or ibuprofen. 

Children are more likely to catch colds and flu. The Belfast Trust has developed an easy to use symptom checker for children that gives advice on what to look out for and when to seek medical help. 

Please click on the link below to go to the symptom checker. 

Childrens symptom checker

Did you know that you can contact your local pharmacy for advice and treatment for a number of medical conditions?

Please follow the link below for details:

Pharmacy First


Do you need help communicating?

The Surgery is committed to being accessible to all patients, including those patients who having hear disabilities or where English is not their first language.

To find out how we can assist you, please click on the link below to take you to the accessibility section of our website



Patient Online Access

Did you know that you can book/cancel appointments and order repeat medications online?

Please click on the "Online Services" link on the right of this screen to access the service.

 Online Registration


Fed logoWest Belfast Federation

Hillhead Family Practice is a member of the West Belfast Federation of Family Practitioners.

We are able to offer the following services, without the need to speak to a Doctor first.

  • Onsite Pharmacists - Our Pharmacists Eadaoin and Sara are able to assist you with any medication related queries.
  • Onsite Physiotherapist - Ally can provide first contact services for patients dealing with conditions such as sciatica, ligament pain, muscle ache, strains, road traffic accidents, lower back pain or sports related injuries.
  • Onsite Mental Health Practitioner - Paul is able to provide first contact services to patient in distress or those who are suffering with depression and anxiety.

When you contact the Surgery a member of the team will ask you a brief history of your problems and will then direct you to the most appropriate member of the team.

If you would like to learn more about multidisciplinary teams in general practice; please follow the link below or select the service required to read more:

Multidisciplinary Teams

Mental Health Practitioner

First contact Physiotherapist


Carewell Is Here CLICK HERE





Opening Times

Surgery Opening Hoursclock

We are open all day from 08:00 to 18:00


  Morning Afternoon
Monday 08:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 18:00
Weekend closed closed



The surgery remains open a lunchtime to book appointments / collect prescriptions.


Contact Details

Appointments: 028 9028 6800
Out of Hours 028 9074 4447

Online Services

Cancel your appointment